The Fundraising Framework Blog

The Nonprofit Professional’s Source for Encouragement and Inspiration

Advanced Strategies for Adding Prospective Donor Names to Your Database advice how to more donors tip Apr 25, 2022

 We talked about “Namestorming” as a strategy for adding prospective donors to your database. This article expands on the “networking” advice given previously. Truly networking is the most effective way to build a database. What does it look like? 

1. The...
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An Easy to Avoid Capital Campaign Mistake advice capital campaigns communications fundraising Apr 18, 2022

Easy to Avoid Capital Campaign Mistake

Capital campaigns are wrought with land mines. Whether it’s selecting the right ask amount or setting the right timeline some mistakes can temporarily or permanently de-rail your campaign. There is one mistake that I see time and time again which is...

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Confessions of a Development Director: I Hide Behind My Email advice confessions of a development director fundraising personal development Apr 11, 2022

Confessions of a Development Director: I Hide Behind My Email


In this series, entitled "Confessions of a Development Director," I share with you emails between real-life development directors and me about the struggles they don't want their boss to know they have. My email inbox is a...

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Free Download: Simple Fundraising Appeal Template advice appeals diy free download fundraising how to resources Mar 21, 2022

So it’s time to write an appeal letter for your nonprofit. You sit down and look at a blank page. Ugh… hate that feeling.

Well, at least for your next appeal, you don’t have to worry!

After last week's post - 10 Tips to Raise More Money With Your Next Fundraising Appeal...

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Breaking Down the Grant Application - Part 2 advice appeals diy grants how to Mar 07, 2022

This is part two of a two-part series walking you through a typical grant application. Part 1 can be found by CLICKING HERE

In last week's article, we discussed the common sections of a grant application: the nonprofit's general information, an executive summary, a statement...

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Breaking Down the Grant Application - Part 1 advice appeals diy grants how to Feb 28, 2022

This is part one of a two-part series walking you through a typical grant application. Part two can be found here

If you want to write for grants, it will only take you two or three applications to see a pattern emerging of what the potential funders are looking to gather. Typically, a...

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Ask Kevin: Technology to Increase Fundraising advice fundraising just ask kevin technology Feb 21, 2022

 Ask Kevin: “Technology to Increase Fundraising”

In this series, I answer questions from my audience. To submit a question, email me at: [email protected]. You will get a prompt response, and in some cases, I will also eventually outline a more in-depth response on my...

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Take Time for Self Care advice self-care Jan 31, 2022

Full disclosure: I am giving advice in this article that I myself find difficult to follow and that I consistently fail or struggle to adhere to. It doesn’t make it less important—quite the opposite. I see this as one of the largest struggles and for sure the #1 cause of burnout in...

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Confessions of a Development Director: I Don't Know Where to Begin with Grant Writing advice confessions of a development director fundraising grants Jan 17, 2022

Confessions of a Development Director: I Don't Know Where to Begin with Grant Writing


In this series, entitled "Confessions of a Development Director," I share with you emails between real-life development directors and me about the struggles they don't want their boss to know they...

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The Art of an Empty Mind: Writing it Out of Your Head advice personal development Dec 27, 2021

Writing it Out of Your Head

I’m not sure how many different types of personalities there are in the world, but I know that there are only two types of people when it comes to lists… those that love them and use them, and those that do not. My wife is a list lover. She actually writes...

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Scoping Out a Gift Before Asking advice appeals capital campaigns fundraising how to major gifts Dec 13, 2021
Scoping Out a Gift Before Asking

Years ago, I worked with a financial and fundraising firm in Chicago. I was tasked with training a group of parish leaders in making an ask asks for a diocesan capital campaign. 

The VP of Advancement for the diocese wanted to run the campaign internally to...

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Confessions of a Development Director: I Canā€™t Keep a Development Job Longer Than Two Years advice confessions of a development director fundraising two year development phenomenon Nov 29, 2021

Confessions of a Development Director: I Can’t Keep a Development Job Longer Than Two Years


In this series, entitled “Confessions of a Development Director,” I share with you emails between real-life development directors and me about the struggles they don’t...

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