The Fundraising Framework Blog

The Nonprofit Professional’s Source for Encouragement and Inspiration

Confessions of a Development Director: I Canā€™t Keep a Development Job Longer Than Two Years advice confessions of a development director fundraising two year development phenomenon Nov 29, 2021

Confessions of a Development Director: I Can’t Keep a Development Job Longer Than Two Years


In this series, entitled “Confessions of a Development Director,” I share with you emails between real-life development directors and me about the struggles they don’t...

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Confessions of a Development Director: "I think I am a Fraud" burnout confessions of a development director fundraising two year development phenomenon Sep 06, 2021

Confessions of a Development Director: I think I am a Fraud

Why Development Directors Only Last 18-24 Months and What Can Be Done About It


Dear Kevin, 

I am finding so much comfort in your content and it’s providing me some hope. I am coming up on 18 months at my current...

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